Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Quickie: The (Cheezy) Quote of the Day

"Love doesn't always come in convenient packages."

I have no comments, references, or stories to go along. Just wanted to let it marinate in your minds, at it did mine, for a minute.

Have a Happy New Years Eve. It's one of my favorite nights of the year, and I am definielty looking forward to drinkin', dancin', and enjoyin' being young and alive tonight!

See y'all on the flip side....

Monday, December 29, 2008

I Can't Think of Anything Cool to Write About


I just decided right now that I would put some time aside to write a blog entry, and my mind has gone completely blank. It's actually weird. I got nothing.

So here's another of the jumbled lists of thoughts that have been showing up on this blog a lot lately. Clearly I need some inspiration to write something real.....

1. For the first time ever, I didn't want anything for Christmas from my parents, so I told them not to get me anything....and they listened. I got no Christmas presents from Connie and Dick except for 3 Christmas Cadbury Christmas Eggs and a nail file in my stocking. True story. I guess I learned a lesson there.

2. Tonight is the last MU football game of the season....and even though comparatively we had an O.K. year, I am disappointed with our record. Especially since, for the first time after graduating from college, I went to 4 games. Of course, my record for those 4 games is 1-3. Apparently I am a jinks.

3. Rob Pattinson cut his hair. And he still looks uberhott. That's all I am going to say about that....

4. My house is so messy right now that I have actual paths leading from the kitchen to the bedroom to the bathroom. I have been living like this for 10 days now. Yet, I've had plenty of time to clean, but have just chosen not to. Now all I need is a cat, and I can be crazy clutter lady.

5. There is a Psych marathon on USA network today. That show seriously rocks. I heart the main character Spencer. I would like to find a guy with his dry, retro, and quick wit. He is also very humorously self deprecating.....a trait I have often been drawn too.

6. I went to the annual Travel Director party (AKA Happy Birthday Jesus & Julie) this weekend. I was amazing at how many people I haven't seen in ages that were there! The funny thing is that TDs never really change. They may move out of town, or get different jobs, but essentially, you always end up having the same conversations about the same things. For some crazy reason, I find that very comforting. I had a really good time at the party, and I hope the girl who throws it every year keeps it up!

7. I have no idea what to wear for New Years. I want to go the dress route, but all my dresses are boring, or else I have been wearing them out for a couple years now, so not exciting. Maybe I will go to the mall later and try to find something new. I am excited about the New Years Party I am going to. Its one of those bar parties with the one price inclusive. I think it will be a really good crowd, since I know most of the people going. I only have one rule for NYE, and its...NO HOUSE PARTIES! I loathe NYE parties that people try to throw at their homes. They are never as fun as going out.

8. My friend just called me to tell me that all the seasons of Sex in the City on DVD are on sale at Target for $8.99 each. What a deal! I still don't own seasons 1-3. Maybe I will go buy them today. Funny that I brought up Sex & the City. This blog entry feels like the episode where Carrie can't think of anything to write for her column and she writes really sucky things about "Finding the Perfect French Fry" and "Comparing Men to Socks".

And...... that's all I got. Apparently, my life right now is super boring. I will write again when something interesting happens. Stay tuned......

Thursday, December 25, 2008

What's Swirling in My Head

This is RFD....(kudos to anyone who knows what that stands for)

......but here are 2 quotes that I read today. Totally pop-culture....not anything profound or the like. They just caught my eye....

"Maybe it's maturity or the wisdom that comes with age, but the witch in Hansel and Gretel - she's very misunderstood. I mean, the woman builds her dream house, and these brats come along and start eating it"

-Miranda Hobbs (Sex and the City)

"She did what many professed to be impossible: She persuaded millions of teens and tweens to read something other than a text message or a computer screen."

- Columnist Rick Bentley on Stephenie Meyer (Author of Twilight)

I hope everyone had a rockin' holiday today (or for the rest of week...) Peace Out!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I have just lost all respect for The Moldy Peaches. You know, that indie band that did all the fun songs in the movie Juno.

Well, I was just watching a little TV tonight, and saw a commercial for the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas. And the song in the background of the commercial was The Moldy Peaches song Anyone Else but You. It's not bad enough that the song was on an ad. Oh no....they had to take it one step further.

The tune was the same, and there was the whistling that is in that song but, THE WORDS WERE CHANGED TO DESCRIBE THE HOTEL!!!!

It was painful. Very, very painful to listen to.

After all, I hate the Atlantis. It is a huge ridiculous hotel that should be in Vegas, but is on an island. Its ugly. Impossible to work at. Too spread out. Very crowded. Obnoxiously overpriced. And it has the worst service of any resort hotel. I loathe it with the fire of a thousand suns.

What were The Moldy Peaches thinking? They just totally lost their street cred my friends. I will never listen their music again.

The Atlantis? Seriously?

My Dream Man Drives My Dream Car

DISCLAIMER: This blog entry was not written by Vivian, but her 16 year old alter ego.


I just watched a clip of Rob Pattinson ( AKA the one and only self loathing mchottie vampire Edward Cullen) leaving Il Sole in Hollywood last night. Yes....I do stalk him via celebrity sites, and watch all his video bits. I have become that girl. No judgements please.

And the super awesome part...HE GOT INTO AN AUDI A4 CONVERTIBLE!!!!

Is that fate or what? Its only my favorite car, and the car I have been talking about buying for 5 years now. His was even that delicious platinum color I want. I think we are meant to be together. I mean, its not that common of a car.

Destiny, I say!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Clearly on a Name Kick...

After writing the blog before this one, I starting thinking about all the names I have loved for years. This is probably only a girl thing, but through my whole life, I have often mentally noted what I wanted to name my future children. I think everyone does this. The funny part for me is that I really never had any interest in actually having kids, but I still sometimes come up with names. are some of the names I can remember thinking awesome enough to bestow on my nonexistent imaginary spawn. Enjoy.....

(in no particular order as to timeline or preference. Also, some come with middle names, and some are middle name TBA)

Vera Louise - (Girl) this is a big one. I always thought there were not enough "V" names in the world, and I have always loved the name Louise. It's fierce and fun at the same time

Vivian Victoria - (Girl) Then she could be a true Vivi.

Vera Eloise - (Girl) The middle name for my favorite fictional character "Eloise at the Plaza". I like it better as a middle name, but it could possibly stand alone.

Elliott - (Girl) I went though this stage where I thought it was cool that girls had boy names like Madison.

Manhattan - (Boy or Girl) this is odd, but if the Beckhams' can name a kid Brooklyn, then I can go Manhattan. I think it works for a boy or girl

London - (Boy or Girl) Ditto as above. In fact, there are also 2 other cities that I think would make great names: Dublin or Melbourne. I don't think its weird....people name their kids Sydney and Austin.

Finnigan (Boy or Girl) I LOVED this name, especially for a boy. it was probably my #1 boy name for the longest. I got it from the movie Great Expectations, the one with Ethan Hawke. However, I have scratched it off the list because the show Grey's Anatomy used it for a character in seasons 2&3 and that ruined for me. Too pop culture now.

Gatsby (Boy) - this is actually the current favorite. I have never heard of anyone having this as a first name. Very original. It is based, of course, on one of my top 5 fav literary characters, Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby.

Barrett - (Boy or Girl) Another literary character name. (I am seeing a pattern here). After Oliver Barrett in Love Story. Apparently I am all about last names for first names. Would I dare name a child "Costello"?

Tiger - (Boy) Don't laugh. I know its strange, and it has NOTHING to do with Tiger Woods. I thought of this once, and decided it was creative. Tigers have been a constant in my life. They are my favorite animals. I think they are beautiful, intelligent, powerful, and graceful. All the traits I would want a child of mine to have. Also, I was born in the year of the tiger. The personality traits associated with that are right on for me. And, of course, it is the mascot of my Alma mater. Can't forget that. This would even work pretty well as a middle name....actually now that I think about it, it would probably be better as a middle name.

O.K. I am rereading this, and as much as I like these names, I think it is best that I don't want kids!!!! I shutter to think whether a son of mine would ever be able to get through childhood and adolescence with a name like "Gatsby Tiger". Wow.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

What's in a Name....

I have always loved my name.....Vivian. I think it is very fitting my personality and character. It is a Latin name that means "Full of Life". I someday want to own a boat and call it that.....Full of Life.

Anyway, I was a little bored today, and researching the origins of my nominer, and found out that there was a St. Vivian. She is also referred to as St. Bibiana in some languages. O.K., the funny part.....

Apparently she is the patron saint of the the insane, those suffering from hangovers, and epileptics.

True Story.

I don't really have a comment about this or anything. Just wanted to share.

Friday, December 12, 2008

What's Going on in this Head of Mine.....

A Few Random Thoughts.

1. My Newest Obsession

I discovered a new website today that I will forever be addicted to. It's called Box Office Mojo. And its awesome. Basically it tells you everything you need to know about movies in the theater as far as how much money they have made, their opening weekends, and where they rank among other movies in all kinds of economic related categories. Trust me...its a time suck. Especially after I started putting in all my fav flicks. Here's the site.

2. My Drink of Choice

I have been thinking about fountain soda a lot lately. Probably because I have been on the road for the last few days and have not had one. Totally jonesin'. As bizarre as this sounds.....the fountain soda has been a staple in my life for a lot of years now. It has been a part of some of my favorite memories, and some I would like to forget. Here is a list of whatnots about the relationship between fountains and me .....This is very geeky I know, but I decided to go with it.

I love QT gas stations. I will drive miles out of the way to fill up the tank at one. Do I think they have better or cheaper gas? No....its because they have Diet Caffeine Free Diet Coke on fountain, and the choice of crushed or cubed ice. Yeah. In the past, they have even had Diet Rite on Fountain, but that dream was short lived. Funny convo I had one with the manager of my local QT. Here's a transcript:

Me: So why don't you guys have Diet Rite anymore. I miss it?

QT Guy: So you're the one!

Me: The one what?

QT Guy: The one person who was drinking it. (He laughs).

Apparently it wasn't a good seller. What erks me is that they replaced it with that stupid Rooster Booster. Seriously?

Other Fountain Soda Memories:

The summer I lived at Mizzou and went to summer semester, I have fond memories of going to Sonic everyday between 3pm and 5pm for "Happy Hour at Sonic". They had 1/2 prize Route 44 Fountains. We would hop over there, and sit outside to talk about our day.

I don't think we have ever been on any of the now infamous stalking trips without a fountain stop first.

Once, on a particularly bad work program at the Breakers in Palm Beach, I was walking into the lobby on my way to the workroom with a Super Big Gulp. A bellman had the nerve to tell me that there was not any outside food and drink allowed in the hotel. I actually growled at him.
True story.
I stared at him...straw still in mouth... and truly growled from my throat. No words. He gave me the weirdest look ever, and said (sarcastically) "Wow, I guess you really need that caffeine." I just nodded and walked away. The funny part was that It was diet Sprite.

The best fountain moment:

Years ago, I meet a guy in Vegas from Wales. Long story short, even though I barely knew him, he decided to come to visit me. When I picked him up at the Chicago airport, it was really awkward. I was happy to see him, and he me, but it was so weird that we were doing this, that those first 30 minutes in the car were a little nerve racking.

Well, I decided I could not keep driving unless I had a fountain soda, so we stopped at 711 and I said I was going in to get a drink, and he came too. I got my fountain (44 oz Diet Coke with 1/3 ice). Then I watched in awe as he got his. He took a 20 oz cup, did NOT put ice in it, filled it with regular coke, and then stuck a straw in it without putting a plastic lid on top. I was mortified.

It was like he was blaspheming the fountain soda! I could not let this heinous action continue. I stopped him....took the cup out of his hand, dumped the liquid, and threw it away. I said "that is not how we get fountain sodas in the states." Then, I handed him a 32 oz cup (decided against the 44 ouncer for his first time, he might not have been able to handle it) and walked him through the ice, soda, lid, and straw. He stood there looking at me....and totally burst out laughing. And then I did too. It literally broke the ice. There was not another awkward moment in what turned out to be a fun visit.

So there you have it. I love fountain sodas. They are so much more than just a cool drink. They might be the magical cure all.

3. At the Theater

The movies I have seen lately:

Role Models - loved it. Hilar.

Four Christmases - hated it. It started out strong, but fumbled in the 4th quarter

Twilight - Loved it. Not anywhere as good as the book (not even the same species as the book, if you will) but I could be dazzled by Robert Pattinson all day. I actually have seen it twice, and a third time is planned. The soundtrack is pretty awesome too. Except for one song that sucks. And unfortunately is sung by my boy Rob.

The movies I want to see soon:


Rachel Getting Married

Slumdog Millionaire

The movies I have no interest whatsoever in seeing:

Seven Pounds - I'm over Will Smith. There I said it.

The Curious Tale of Benjamin Buttons - I don't think it will live up to the buzz.

The Day the Earth Stood Still - Another Disaster movie? Really?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Quote of the day.....

I do not recommend conversing with me today. Apparently I am drowning in a shallow pool of depression, self loathing, and regret. Here's a quote to go along with my currently shaken spirit....

"Come on in now. Wipe your feet on my dreams." - Pulp

I hate being miserable. I like to live my life in a no judgement, no regret world. But, that doesn't always happen. I am doing a lot of both today.

Bear with me though. Knowing myself pretty well, it should pass in about 5 hours. Give or take.

A Monday Morning Funny......

I just read this and it made me laugh. Here is a translation (if you will) of popular songs through the ages......


- - - -

The Beatles, "I Want to Hold Your Hand"

I want to do it with you.

- - - -

Marvin Gaye, "Let's Get It On"

I want to do it with you.

- - - -

Led Zeppelin, "Whole Lotta Love"

I want to do it with you.

- - - -

James Blunt, "You're Beautiful"

I want to do it with you.

- - - -

Sir Mix-a-Lot, "Baby Got Back"

I want to do it.

- - - -

Elvis Presley, "Hound Dog"

You're doing it with everyone.

- - - -

R. Kelly, "I Believe I Can Fly"

I believe I want to do it with you.

- - - -

Patsy Cline, "Crazy"

I want to do it with you so much I'm going fucking nuts.

- - - -

Frank Sinatra, "Strangers in the Night"

I'm drunk and I want to do it with you.

- - - -

The White Stripes, "My Doorbell"

Using metaphor, I want to do it with you.

- - - -

Little Richard, "Good Golly Miss Molly"

I'm doing it with Miss Molly, and she's totally into it.

- - - -

Duran Duran, "Rio"

I'd love to do that chick dancing on the sand.

- - - -

The Beatles, "Why Don't We Do It in the Road?"

I'd like to do it with you right now.

- - - -

Carly Simon, "You're So Vain"

We used to do it, but then you did it with someone else, and now I'm not going to do it with you, although I wish we were still doing it.

- - - -

Pulp, "Common People"

I once met a stuck-up European who wanted to do it with me.

- - - -

Radiohead, "Creep"

I'm filled with self-loathing, and, though outwardly I hate everything you represent, I want to do it with you.

- - - -

Kate Bush, "Wuthering Heights"

I'm an 18th-century fictional character and I want to do it with another 18th-century fictional character.

- - - -

Bob Dylan, "Blowin' in the Wind"

The Man is currently doing it to you.

- - - -

Elvis Presley, "Jailhouse Rock"

Incarcerated men will on occasion do it with each other.

- - - -

Meat Loaf, "I Would Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)"

Hey! You won't believe what this one chick said while I was doing it with her!

- - - -

Kings of Leon, "Sex on Fire"

I did it with you, and now it hurts when I pee.

- - - -

CĂ©line Dion, "My Heart Will Go On"

Even your death has not stopped me wanting to do it with you.

- - - -

AC/DC, "You Shook Me All Night Long"

We did it yesterday.

- - - -