Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Big Decision

I bet people read this title and totally thought I was talking about getting a new job, or my love life or some other major life choice I have made.....

Not so much!

The "Big Decision" is that finally, after about a month of deliberation, I have decided on my Top 5 list. Here it is....yes particular order. (please note: I am happy with it, but not ready to laminate just yet)

1. David Beckham - Given, the poster on my bedroom wall says it all. Posh can go suck it.

2. Ryan Reynolds - I once dated a guy I probably shouldn't have just because I thought he looked like him. Dreamy. I have had a thing for Ryan since "2 Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place". (Kudos to anyone reading this who actually watched that show)

3. Vince Vaughn - Having him on the list is a "Shoutout" to every goofy lookin' funny guy. Especailly the obscenely tall ones. Never underestimate the power of self-depricating humor.

4. Ryan Gosling - "The Notebook". Need I say more. Plus, he really is talented. I saw an indie the other day where he played a crazy Skinhead who was actually Jewish.... "the Believer". Awesome. He even looked hot bald. Contrastly, He can pull off a scruffy beard. Not everyone can do that....yes, Conan O'Brien and Jake Gyllenhaal....I do mean you.

5. Matt Damon - I know this is generic. But, I fell in love in Good Will Hunting. The passion continued through all the Bournes. I can't deny the attraction. He's such a "guy next store" sorta chap. The benefit of having him on the list, is that he is someone I could see having a drink at a hole in the wall bar in some city somewhere, and I think I could actually approach him and have a convo.

So, there it is. Decision made. I feel like a weight has been lifted. So sad that that last statement is true. I wonder what I could have accomplished if I had spend as much time worrying about major issues in my life as I did this list. I don't really want to think about that.........

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Right On Ms. Cody!!!!

So my friend Bridget has a blog also (it's Mrs. Daughaday in my blog list to the right) and she posted an entry written by Diablo Cody (writer of Juno) that talks about all the things that Americans are criticized for all over the world that we should actually be cool with. I very much enjoyed reading it.

So. for fun, and along the same line......I was thinking of a list of things about myself that I am sometimes embarrassed about, but I really shouldn't be. This next line is going to sound a little "Pollyanna" but....

I don't think people should be embarrassed about things that they enjoy. I have always tried to live in a no judgement world (although I do admit, I do not always live up to my own standards, and judge a little) and I will no longer be afraid to admit my guilty pleasures.

Enjoy the list!

1. I love pop music.

I always have. I would listen to Justin Timberlake, and Fergie over some obscure, underground, alternative band anyday. I like to hear the music I like on the radio and sing along, and that's what you hear on mainstream radio stations. Even back in the day I loved New Kids, N'Sync, Vanilla Ice. Hell, I was obsessed with Micheal Jackson in the 80s.

2. I watch a lot of T.V.

I hate being bored, and the TV solves that sometimes. I sleep with the T.V. on. That started because I stay in hotel rooms quite often, and they had different noises, so the TV equalized that.

3. I like to talk about politics.

I don't see anything wrong with this. I really like to talk about politics with people who don't agree with my views. I think its fun to watch people get all huffed up.

4. I love fast food.

Like I said, I travel a lot, so it's a little consistency in my otherwise inconsistent life. Don't get me wrong, I love to eat out at new, independent restaurants in St. Louis or when I am out for a night on the town in my travels. However, when I am by myself, or in a hurry, a Taco Bell burrito beats a great local Mexican find hand down.

5. I love Amusement Parks with great rides

I don't think I will ever outgrow my love of roller coasters. I would go to a park just to ride one coaster, and if its a good one, I would stand in line all day. I am not even picky about the old wooden ones, or the new crazy complicated themed ones. Bring it on!

6. I am not a huge fan of children

I have a lot of opinions about parents and their kids. And yes....it is true that I don't want to have any (that is the reason that everyone gives me why I have no patience for children, and they are probably right) Who cares the reason though...it still comes down to the fact that I think that parents (I am generalizing, not all parents are like this) think that they deserve some sort of exception to a lot of rules or customs because they have children. I hate that assumption.

The word I like to use on this topic is "entitlement". I feel that a lot of parents in this country thing that they are entitled to include their children in on the rest of their lives, and instead of changing their lives to fit in with their parenthood, they are expecting the outside forces in their lives to conform to their parenthood. I don't think it should work that way.

7. I love the show "Queer as Folk"

In fact, I love most shows that involve the gay community. Especially QAF. It is fantastic. Oodles of cheesiness and flash to make it interesting, and just enough social commentary to make you think a little. It's a shame it ended on Showtime, but getting to relive it (minus the sex, and some of the language) on Logo every night is great.

I actually never really understood my penchant for this show. I am not a lesbian. Of course, I am a big support of gay rights. I do have some gay friends, but not really that many. I guess I just really enjoyed the show from the first time I saw it, and got hooked on the characters.

8. I like to wear dresses.

I don't really like to dress casual. I think I look better in a dress than jeans, or skirts. I am not talking about gowns or taffeta or anything, but just one piece dresses. Even to sporting events..... Especially in the summer. A great red sundress at a Cardinals game is awesome. And I think its cooler than anything else you could wear. I think you should always wear a dress to a wedding...not skirts, or pants....I don't care how dressy. A lot of times, people comment that I am overdressed, or stare at me weird, but I don't care. I just love to wear dresses. The great thing about them, is that you can casualize a dress with the shoes you wear.

So, that's about all I have for now. I enjoyed writing this. I will plan on adding to this list at a later time. Stay tuned.......

Tidbit of Trivia that Made Me Feel Old Today

Anthony Kiedis from Red Hot Chili Peppers is 45 years old.

Wow. He's up there.

I still remember rockin' out to Under the Bridge my junior year in high school, debating what that song meant. I had heard it was a suicide ballad. I really didn't care what it was about, as long as I could see Anthony running down the beach, in slomo, without a shirt in the video. Man, I used to think he was hot.

Not so much anymore. He's gotten a little wrinkly. He is also a testament to the fact that getting a lot of tattoos when you are young doesn't necessarily look as festive in your 40s.

Interesting that I am talking about how old Mr. Kiedis is, with my 15th high school reunion right around the corner....

"Hi kettle. This is the pot. You're black!"

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Funny Vocab Word of the Week

sperminated (adj)

Perez Hilton used this word yesterday to describe Lisa Marie Prestley. I hope it means that she is pregnant.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Some People Should Be Steriled..........

So, I am on a program in Maui, and I just had the most disturbing thing happen.

A couple on the trip brought their two year old son with them. Let's just start with how annoying that is. When you have a company trip, and the company trip is for you and a guest, why would you then think its O.K. to bring a third guest, even if it is a kid? But, I digress.....that's not what this blog entry is about. It's about this one particular family, which(to protect the guilty) will from here on out be referred to as Mr. & Mrs. Moron.

Anyway, there were a lot of people who brought their kids on this trip, so the client decided to let everyone bring their children to the Welcome function. For the parents that just wanted to enjoy the dinner without their offspring, we arranged for the Kids Camp at the hotel to offer a babysitting/kids event that the parents could sign up for. Great idea.

O.K. I am going to tell the rest of this tale in time format so you get the true effect of how ridiculous these parents are. I would say enjoy, but their is nothing enjoyable about this.......

6:30 PM

The event starts. It is a beach party way down from the main hotel building. It was a gorgeous setting, out on a cliff near the water, and there were all these Chinese balloon lights all over the place. It was beautiful, but it is about a 20 minute walk from where all the rooms are in the hotel.

8:00 PM

Our hotel contact finds me at the function, and tell me that he just got a call from security, and that we needed to find Mr. and Mrs. Moron right away. I asked what happen.

Apparently, the housekeeper was going about her business in their hallway to do turndown for all the rooms, and heard screaming coming from one of the rooms. She knocked on the door and no one answered. A little worried, she calls hotel security, and a guard goes up to the room. Also hearing the screaming, he decides to go in. What does he find........

A 2 year child alone in the dark,screaming, in a crib in the room!!!!!!

So, now we are back to where I come in.

8:05 PM

I go with security up to the room, while the rest of my staff is frantically looking all over a function of 900 people for the The Moron Couple.

8:15 PM

After running up to the room, I walk in to find 2 security guards, the housekeeper, and the Manager on duty. The kid is still screaming for his mother.

I am so amazed that anyone would leave a kid in a hotel room, that I immediately ask the Manager if we have ruled out everything else. He looks at me like I am crazy. so I say "Does this room look like it has been tampered with, did we check under the beds and in the closets?" I was basically just wanting to make sure that something didn't happen to the parents. The security guard checks the whole room and determines that indeed, this was a child left in a hotel room.

8:25 PM

My staff at the function calls me to tell me they have not yet found Mr. and Mrs. Moron, but they are in the process of getting a microphone to page them.

The security guard is holding the screaming kid, and we all end up passing the kid around between the Manager, the security guard, and myself trying to quiet this kid down. Nothing is working, and we all find out that none of us are parents, or know anything about kids. The manager decides to call in reinforcements, and nextels one of the babysitters at the Hotel kids camp to come up to the room.

8:30 PM

The security guard tells me that if we didn't locate the parents in 5 more minutes, he was going to call the Maui Police. (interesting fact that I was not aware of until this moment, not only is it stupid to leave a child alone in a hotel room, if the kid is under 10, it is actually illegal.)

8:32 PM

A TD calls me to tell me that they found Mr. and Mrs. Moron, and they are in a golf cart on the way back to the room. Thank God...because being the selfish person that I am, I really didn't want to have to deal with bailing people out of jail.

O.K. I am now going to switch to transcript of the conversation between the security guard and Mr. Moron when the couple got back to their room to see us all there, and their crying child.

Mr. Moron: What are you doing with my son?

Security Guard: Why did you leave your two year old child alone in this room?

Mr. Moron: We did not want to bring him to dinner with us. He is a good boy who falls asleep, and sleeps through the night. We leave him alone all the time. Why did you wake him up? And for that matter, why did you come into my hotel room?

Security Guard: Sir, your son was screaming so loud that a housekeeper heard it in the hallway.

Mr. Moron: Well, next time we will put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door.

Security Guard: Sir, you will do no such thing. It is illegal to leave a child unattended in a hotel room, and you are lucky that the hotel has decided against calling the police this time.

Mr. Moron: I don't see what the big deal is. We were just at the party. We were only gone a couple hours (sidenote: He really did admit to leaving the child for a "couple hours", I almost gaged when I heard him say that!)

Security Guard: Why did you not use the Hotel Kids Camp?

Mr. Moron: We didn't think it was worth the money. (another sidenote: It would have cost them $25 for 3 hours. The client worked out a deal with the hotel)

Security Guard: I am not going to discuss this further. Do not leave your son in this room alone again. Be prepared that for the rest of your stay, we will be doing a random check on your room to make sure that child is not unattended. If you do this again, we will call the Maui Police.

Mr. Moron (finally getting it): O.K. We understand. Sorry about all the commotion. We didn't think it would be a problem.

Then we all left the room, and to be honest, I never saw that couple again the rest of the trip until departure day when they were getting on the transfer to go to the airport. Mr. Moron looked a little embarrassed, but he did say "thanks" as they left.

So there you have it. I can't decide what I am more bothered by...the fact that they left the kid in the room, or that they said they did it all the time, and were trying to defend the choice.

Not being a mother, I guess I don't really have a lot of perspective, but this is weird, right? Parents do not usually leave a child unattended, right?

Feel free to share your thoughts on this one...............