Friday, November 28, 2008

One of my Lists: Thanksgiving 2008

I have decided to give myself exactly 10 minutes to think of, and write down here, what I am thankful for at this precise moment in my life.....enjoy.

The wireless Internet that I am stealing from one of my neighbors

That I have started reading on a regular basis again

The strange introspective internal examination into my life that has surfaced from my reading the "Twilight" series of books. Its weird but has been intriguing. I heart Edward Cullen.

My dog Stevie

Mizzou Football


That I have started losing weight again

That I still have a job

That Connie's surgery went better than expected

That I am not disappointed by the decision to not have a birthday party.

That I have discovered a new group of friends to hang out with, that like to do the same kind of things I like to do

That I am still very close to people that I went to high school and college with

That I am not worrying about money right now

That my hair is again long enough to wear curly and not look like a mushroom head

That I am comfortable enough with my strange pop culture obsessions to not be embarrassed by them

That in just a couple of months, we will have a new president. And we will finally find out what kind of dog the Obamas decided on

That I don't have a problem with very last minute trips, or traveling alone

My awesome cell phone, and that I have embraced text messaging

That I am not more annoyed that I cancelled my digital cable and can no longer DVR my shows. I don't miss it near as much as I thought I would

That gas is cheaper

that I still believe in love

That I can say corny things like the above without a hint of sarcasm

That I have been mildly successful in my resolution to be less judgemental.

That I found a pair of jeans that I love and fit perfectly

That more and more places have started to have Caffeine Free Diet Coke or Pepsi on fountain.

So time's up and that's all I got...Happy Thanksgiving everyone. One more holiday I don't like after this (Christmas) and then its on to my 3 favorite...right in a row!

If you couldn't guess, they are: Mardi Gras, Valentines Day, and St. Patricks Day


Monday, November 17, 2008

A Blog Entry directed at California's Mormon Churches....

...or their Catholic Churches, or any religious organization that supported (either financially or vocally in their services) California's Prop 8......


If you have a problem with the gay rights groups that are picketing your churches, then you are welcome to shut down operations in the US and move to a country where free speech is not allowed. And good luck practicing your religion where ever that may be. Just because you might be a religious institution doesn't excuse you from the same scrutiny as ANY organization that takes a political stand on issues.

My quote of the Day comes from Dan Savage:

"When political attacks are launched from churches, political responses will be delivered to churches. If goddamned McDonald's had organized and paid for Prop 8, we'd be marching on goddamned McDonald's."

I have an offer for religious supporters of Prop about the critics of it will agree to stop protesting outside of churches, if you all agree to stop protesting outside of Gay friendly events. Or the Pride Parade. Or even abortion clinics and Planned Parenthood for that matter. Think you can do that? You want to be able to protest for your causes, but you don't want others to protest for their causes that are different from yours.

And you know what really makes me laugh? You won! You got the damn proposition passed. Now, thanks to you, certain people in your state will be considered less worthy than others. Congratulations. Now deal with the aftermath of your big victory.

It still amazes me when religious groups want to limit the freedoms of other citizens. Its not like any of their freedoms are being contested. The government is not telling a church they can't pray, or that they can't have certain beliefs. The government is not limiting in anyway what can be said inside the walls of the church. The government is not persecuting church leaders for their doctrines. The government even gives a tax free status to religious organizations. Which, rightfully, should be questioned on some of these churches, since the constraints on that status involves not endorsing political entities.

And just for the record, I believe in our electoral process. And as despicable a voice I believe it to be, the people of California have spoken. They do not want gay people to get married in their state. The proposition passed by a majority, and I accept it. It makes the entire state look like a bunch of hate mongering fascists, but I accept it.

Of course, the true beauty of American politics is that nothing is ever set in stone. Democracy is always moving and changing. I hope Californians who actually believe in a free and fair country can come together to get a repel of prop 8 on the ballot next time, and then show up to vote for it!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Why I Care....

....what the rest of the world thinks.

Today I was talking about the election results with a coworker. I won't go into great detail about what was discussed but I will share one part.

We got on the topic of news coverage the day after the election. I mentioned a story that really intrigued me. CNN made a point to say that the day after every presidential election since the network was on the air, they have shown footage of some crazy people somewhere in the world burning an Amercian flag. Well, this year, they were unable to find any footage anywhere in the world where someone was burning an American flag. As random as it is, I felt that it meant that basically the whole world was rooting for Obama. Simplitic, I know, but being a world traveler, and having a deep appriciation for other cultures, I felt good about the possibilty of the United States redeeming themselves on the world stage.

The next thing my coworker said to me inspired this blog entry....

"Why should we care what the rest of the world thinks of us?" about opening the floodgates with that question! I got seriously fired up and started spouting off everything from.....

"Maybe because the United States is not as invinceable as we think we are, and someday we might need another country to be on our side."


"You know some of us would like to visit other countries in the world and not be afraid to be attacked or killed just because we are Americans."


"We better hope other countries like us, because the way this country spends money, we may need more than just China and Russia to lend to us!"

And this started me thinking about one of my favorite articles that I have ever read about American politics. And it was from a British newspaper. I'm sure many of you remember it from four years ago. It was the London Daily Mirror and they had a pic of Goerge W. Bush and the now infamous quote....

"How can 59,054,087 people be so DUMB"

It was a jab at the number of American who voted for Bush. I personally thought it was hilarious. And although the cover was on news shows in the US all over the place....I don't think very many people actually stopped to read the article. It'a a shame, because it really is a brilliant commentary, and a nice perspective on what foriegners thought of the re-election of Bush. The title was "God Save America".

An excerpt:

"They say that in life you get what you deserve. Well, today America has deservedly got a lawless cowboy to lead them further into carnage and isolation and the unreserved contempt of most of the rest of the world. This once-great country has pulled up its drawbridge for another four years and stuck a finger up to the billions of us forced to share the same air. And in doing so, it has shown itself to be a fearful, backward-looking and very small nation. This should have been the day when Americans finally answered their critics by raising their eyes from their own sidewalks and looking outward towards the rest of humanity."

Well, here we are four years later, and I feel like, with the election of Obama, we are finally going to do what we didn't four years ago....start rebuilding our relationships with the rest of the world. And just for the record, I get it that just electing Obama is not automatically going to fix our international relationships, but at least it puts us on the right track. I mean, can you imagine what would be written about us in other countries if the McCain/Palin ticket had won???? And I am sure CNN would have had all kinds of burning American flag images to air.

O.K. Just for fun, one more excerpt from "God Save America". This one about Bush himself.....

"America chose a man without morals or vision. An economic incompetent who inherited a huge surplus from Clinton, gave it in tax cuts to the rich and turned the US into the world's largest debtor nation. A man who sneers at the rights of other nations. Who has withdrawn from international treaties on the environment and chemical weapons. A man who flattens sovereign states then hands the rebuilding contracts to his own billionaire party backers. A man who promotes trade protectionism and backs an Israeli government which continually flouts UN resolutions. America has chosen a menacingly immature buffoon who likened the pursuit of the 9/11 terrorists to a Wild West, Wanted Dead or Alive man-hunt.... A RADICAL Christian fanatic who decided the world was made up of the forces of good and evil, who invented a war on terror, and thus as author of it, believed he had the right to set the rules of engagement. "

I read these angry words from four years ago, and I realize that this is what the US is finally walking away from. Its a new beginning. A new era. And as overused as this word was in this latest election, its still true.....a chance for change.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Quickie Story about Drinking & Those who Judge....

I am right now on the Island of Lana'i in Hawaii. We are staying at the Four Seasons Manele Bay. It is oh so very awesome, and I will be sure to write a blog about it this week.

However, I just have a little time now to share a funny that happen to me last night.

We went for a quick dinner, and a beer or 2, at a local little tavern and pizza place in town called Pele's. The joint was exactly what I was in the mood for: small hole in the wall, cheap, and not at the hotel.

Well, when we all arrived, I ordered a draft beer of Kona Ale (I'm on this kick to drink the beer of the land I am in) and some chicken wings. The waiter (who could have also been the manager/owner of the place) brought my beer and it tasted great. (Sidenote: I really enjoy the Kona Ale.) And I thought all was fine. Then about 15 min later when my food was ready, he brought the wings. Since I only had about 2 sips left in the beer I had, I ordered another. This is where it got weird....

The waiter asked (with a grimaced face, and clear disdain):
"Are you sure you want a second beer?"

I was so struck aback from this comment, I just stared at him and then said:
"Are you worried that I am going to drink too much?"

He replied:
"Well, its just that the police are tough here on drunk drivers."

Me: "It's my second and probably last beer. And I'm eating food also."

Smug Waiter/Manager: "Well, I'm just concerned. Are you driving?"

Me, getting a little annoyed that he singled me out of a group of 7 people: "No, I'm taking the shuttle. We are ALL taking the shuttle."

Smug Waiter/Manager (after a pause, by the by): "Well, OK then. I'll get you another beer if you are sure you want it."

Me, pissed at this point, but with a devious smile: "I want it. And I'll let you know when I want another after that. Thank you."

Smug Waiter/Manager left in a bit of a huff....and came back 2 minutes later with the beer. Said nothing while he put it down, and walked away.

What the F? It was 7:30 PM on a Friday night. I was sitting at a table of 7 people who all ordered drinks. And not the only one who ordered a second. Why was I the one he decided to drop his self righteous crap on on? It wasn't like I was visually drunk already, or falling over or something. That original beer was my first of the night!

Annoying...and intriguing at the same time.

P.S. We left on the shuttle at about 9:00 PM. And I did not order another beer after the 2nd one. Partly because I was tired, and partly because I thought he might spit in it.

P.P.S. My birthday is on Thursday, and since this is a small island, I was pretty excited to check out Pele's to go out there that night. Well, I guess we are going to have to pick somewhere else. Seriously.....If they are going to judge my getting 2 beers, I'm scared to celebrate there.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Uber Random Thoughts on this Election and Its Outcome

So much has been swirling around in my head since that moment around 10 pm Tuesday night when we learned the identity of who will be the 44th President of the United States. My mind is a flutter of excitement, fear, impatience, sadness, and most of all, accomplishment.

The only way I could think of to put my thoughts into words was through a list. So here it is. A list of all the election related emotions (in no particular order) going through my head.

1. Excitement

I went down to the Chase Park Plaza for the official Democratic Victory Party. First of all, I knew for 2 days that I was going, and during that time, I had a big issue calling it a victory party. I thought it was a little premature. But I digress.....

It was a beautiful moment being around all the people on the same side as me, with media everywhere, and people dancing, singing, crying, laughing, cheering. It was like when your college football teams wins a big game. And what struck me was, when I looked around the room and saw everyone. It was the whole picture of America. Old people. Young people. Black people. White people. All races. Even a couple turbans. I saw some Emos, cheering next to yuppies in suits. I saw young couples with kids. I saw girls dressed like they were at a club in Vegas. I saw old grey haired men clapping and smiling, while young black punks in saggy jeans and crooked ballcaps were chest thumping. I saw old women in ridiculous homemade hats and painted t-shirts, jumping up and down with college kids in the blue "official" Obama team leader T-shirt.

Republicans can say what they will about who makes up the Democratic party, but we are a true cross section of this country. To use a great line from Barney on HIMYM ......

"I gaze upon that crowd to see the face of America. And it is divine."

Muchos Cheesy. Especially since Barney was talking about The Price is Right when he said it. But I still love the quote.

2. Fear

This is not as warm fuzzy as the last emotion, but rings true. I am scared about what will happen to Obama in the next four years. Not fear for his life or anything like that. There will be plenty of hot hot Secret Service snipers to protect him. (sidenote: I LOVE me some snipers. They are so hot the way they wear all black with the cool sunglasses.) But, fear that the problems which this nation faces right now are not the type of problems that get fixed very quickly. I know he will try, and having the support of Congress is a good thing. However, I am afraid that the issues will be bigger than what any administration could solve in one term, and Obama will end his presidency being scapegoated. And it is not a president specific thing. I think anyone who is in office right now really has their work cut out for them.

The part that makes me really scared is that Obama was able to gather support and inspire people like I have never seem a politician do before. The jokes about him being Superman and the Messiah have a basis in the way that citizens were so enamored and adoring of him. Especially considering there are a lot of first time voters, who may not have paid attention to politics before, and don't understand that winning the election is just the beginning. With this kind of entrance, it will be a very loud thump when he falls, if he is not able to do everything that we expect of him. The bar is raised very high. I just really hope he lives up to the hype.

3. Impatience

I just so want it to be Inaugural day right now. I want to hear the speech, which, you know, will be one for the ages. I want to see what Michelle is going to wear at the Ball. Especially since the Grant Park victory speech outfit was a trainwreck. There I said it. I did not understand that getup at all. It looked like what a drop of blood looks like under a microscope. And what was with the wrap half sweater thing? She's a pretty lady, but that dress did nothing for her. Back to the point....

I want Obama to start doing all the things he has promised. I want to see the decor of the ballrooms on Inaugural Night. I wanted to see the Obamas dancing in the red, white, and blue balloons. And I think more than anything.....I want to see those children running around the White House with the new puppy. All the news stations have been talking about what breed it should be. You know what really would send a message? If they go to the pound for the dog, and get a mutt of some kind. That would do a world of good for the Humane Society and other stray rescue causes.

4. Sadness

It's over. No more waking up every morning eager to watch CNN to get the latest poll numbers. No more switching over to FOX news to laugh at how partisan they are, and how they don't even try to hide it. No more plotting how I can watch the debates when I have to work. No more religiously checking Cajun Boy in the City and Andrew Sullivan blogs to get the latest democratic political scope. No more far right winged, borderline offensive (but that I looked forward to reading for the perspective) emails from my good friend's very conservative girlfriend. No more very spirited conservations at the DD Lounge or whatever other drinking establishment, about the political parties, their intention, and all the conspiracy theories surrounding both candidates and their running mates. I'm really truly going to miss those. I dig me a good half drunk argument about politics. Especially when someone brings up religion, abortion or the environment. LOVE IT! I guess now our Thursday nights out will go back to karaoke and darts.

5. Accomplishment

I feel I really had a stake in this election. I was part of it. This is the first time I have been so involved. I volunteered for the campaign. I had signs in the yard. I bought the T-shirt. I collected a bunch of campaign buttons. I wore the official white rubber Obama "Hope" bracelet without taking it off. I went with the over 100,000 people under the arch to see Barrack Obama address the masses. And it was amazing!!!!

Sidenote: I found this out on Tuesday....that Obama rally was the largest gathering of any kind in St. Louis since the 1904 World's Fair. How flippin' cool is that!

I even took my mother to see President Bill Clinton on his Obama campaigning stop at Kirkwood High School. He made me cry, I was so entrhalled with what he was saying.

And days up to the election, and on election night, I was stratigizing like crazy. I was counting up electoral votes and forecasting states like I was picking my football teams in Vegas at the sportsbook. It almost became a game for me. I loved that when I was talking to all the other volunteers on our shifts the days before and on Tuesday, we all had different predictions as to how Obama was going to win (which states, whether we would know on election day or after)....but the important part....we all so deeply wanted to believe he was going to win!

What made this different for me personally from other elections where the democrats ran:

Clinton -Too young to really care that much when he first ran, and not very political when I was in college the second term

Gore - Voted for him absentee because I was in Hong Kong for the election and most of the crazy hoopla that was the 2000 election, so I never really felt a part of it

Kerry - Wasn't really crazy about him, just thought he was the anti-Bush choice when I voted ....absentee again. I was in Australia for that election.

So my involvement and passion this year definitely did feel like a new accomplishment for me. I was part of something and someone I believed in. A candidate I educated myself about, running in an election I obsessively followed. A candidate I worked hard campaigning for. And in the end, that candidate was the victor.

And when Obama stood there in Grant Park in Chicago, while I watched it on huge screens at the Chase in St. Louis, and he made it very clear that the supporters were the reason for his being there...I truly felt it was my victory also.

I am going to end this with my favorite part of his speech from Chicago on election night. I hope it does for you what it did for me that evening.....

A new dawn of American leadership is at hand. To those who would tear this world down - we will defeat you. To those who seek peace and security - we support you. And to all those who have wondered if America's beacon still burns as bright - tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from our the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity, and unyielding hope.

For that is the true genius of America - that America can change. Our union can be perfected. And what we have already achieved gives us hope for what we can and must achieve tomorrow.

Monday, November 3, 2008

On the Election Tomorrow....

This is the best thing I have seen since all this election crap started. Through all the posts, pictures, buttons, emails and etc., this is so by far my favorite......

And I have never wanted anything to be more true!!!!!!

Barrack the vote tomorrow everyone. There's a lot riding on it. Obama 2008!

P.S. This is also the best motivation I've had to learn how to post pictures on this blog.