Thursday, August 28, 2008

"Big Head...Big Head...Big Head...Whoa, Big Head"

Recognize the quote??? It doesn't make sense until the end of this blog entry.......

I just finished watching the movie Smart People.

I thought it was amusing, and I quite enjoyed it. Don't take that as an endorsement (necessarily), because I tend to like very strange indie dramedies that most people think are odd. I.E. Be Kind, Rewind.

Anyway, not going to discuss the movie, but I do want to say a little tidbit about one of the actresses....Ellen Page. You might know her better as "Juno".

I read an article about her not too long ago, and one of the things the writer commented on is her affection for red hooded zipup sweatshirts. He was saying that she must really love them because she has worn on in every movie she has ever made, and the author had seen her in public many times in the red item.

I don't know why I even remembered that trivia, but I was thinking about it during Smart People. And I make the realization when the movie was over that there was a lack of red hooded zipup sweatshirts on Ms. Page. So, I thought, the writer was wrong....not in every movie.

Well, being the over analyser I am, I , of course, needed to watch all the bonus material. Low and behold, in one of the featurettes on the making of the movie, there is a shot of the director working with the star, and Ellen Page is shown in a costume from the movie. And over said costume, complete with hood on head, she is wearing a red hooded zipup sweatshirt.

Go Ellen.

Plus, had anyone ever noticed that her noggin is huge? She must have the strongest neck ever. She had this very tiny skinny frame, and his enormous head. I guess we didn't really notice it in Juno because she was prego for most of the movie, and that must have balanced it out. I have heard that there are a lot of actors with over sized heads, because a large melon films very well. I guess I would believe that.

I've been told that Kelly Ripa is big. Also (and I know this one from personal experience) Celine Dion had the most ginormous head ever. I saw here walking through a hotel lobby once, and for a second I thought she was wearing some kind of mask thing. Seriously.

One more....Jay Leno - looks like a bobble doll of himself. I was the green room contact for him during an event once, and we sat and chatted for awhile. I just stared at the huge rock of a face and head on that man during the whole convo. He must have thought I was an idiot!

P.S. Quote is from Chandler on Friends

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Cool & Creepy at the same time....

So, I was just thinking about "The Bodies" display that had been traveling around the world. For those of you not familiar, here's a little background.

This crazy German scientist started in the late 50s asking people to agree to donate their bodies upon their death so that he could use this strange plastic process to preserve the bodies and basically turn them into mannequins. He would then form, slice, peel back skin, and do all kinds of freakish things in the attempt to teach about the inner workings of the human form.

O.K. I tried, but that description did not do the man, or his hobby, justice, so here's the link.....

Well, this got me thinking of all the things in this world that are both cool and creepy at the same time. So, I am feeling a list coming on....

1. Kopi Luwak

That exotic coffee that is made from coffee beans that the Luwak (some weird animal) eat and then poop out. It's apparently a delicacy and very expensive.

2. The Vatican.

This one is a little random, but I am recalling the first time I was there in high school. I was so blown away by the size, the ornate buildings, and the majesty of it all. Then, it made me wonder about the exorbitant wealth of the Catholic church. And the years of slave labor on the backs of so called "heretics" that build it.

3. My friend from Wales who got his thumb cut off in a freak accident.

The doctors cut off his big toe, scaled it down, and sewed it on. Now he has a toe-thumb. It really looks cool, and unless you knew the truth, you wouldn't even notice.

4. Skydiving.

It was awesome. One of the greatest experiences of my life. The biggest high I have ever had. And I never want to do it again.

5. African Safaris.

Watching animals hunt down and eat each other from about 10 feet away.... Awesome. Having a lion stare right at you with bits of zebra skin hanging out of her mouth..... Scary.

6. Documentaries on Ants.

I know, sounds weird. I don't watch the Discovery Channel or National Geographic very often, but for some reason, I seem to catch a lot of ant documentaries, especially late at night. My 2 favorite are first - the one about the man-eating ants who move through the jungle in a complicated web of highways they dig and protect.

And second - the one where they take the natural factors that make humans stand out from other animals (ability to use tools; dominance over other animals; social organization, etc.), and show how there is a type of African ant that displays these traits also. Super intriguing.

7. Shooting a gun.

Disclaimer: I am not endorsing guns, or gun ownership. In fact, I am very much against handguns, and the trite, overused, so called "right to bear arms". I am just saying that a gun enthusiast friend of mine once took me to a shooting range. Since, as I have stated before, I do not like to condemn that I do not understand, I agreed to go. It was pretty exhilarating. But, after a round or two, I was done. It did start to make my hand shake, and scare me a little.

8. Movies that celebrate things the general public would consider taboo....where you are, sort of, routing for the bad guy.

Lord of War - I was totally wanting Uri Orlof, the gun runner arming crazy blood thirsty African gangs, to evade the American ATF Agent.

Matchpoint - I got behind the main guy who killed his pregnant girlfriend, excited he got away with it, and his wife never found out.

Little Children - I was hoping the 2 people having the affair both left their spouses to be together

The Shawshank Redemption - I was on the side of the inmates (I.E. convicted felons) over the wardens and prison guards

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What is Wrong with this Country.....

Don't worry - this is not all!

So, I was bored just a second ago, and since I am in the hometown of a Mr. Chase Daniels (see previous blog entry), I thought I would try and find his home address online. Then I did what anyone who likes to stalk would do, I googled him.

Low and behold, what is the first thing on Google under "Chase Daniels"?

This video.....


He's a well respected big 12 college football quarterback. The guy was a Heisman canidiate last year, with a good shot of winning it this year. And I don't know this from experience or anything, but I have always heard that he is an all around good guy.

And the first thing I see when searching his name is a video of him eating his booger. Nice.

Too Busy to Blog...

I will, however, quickly share a funny quote I read about here in Southlake, Texas today:

"I eat danger for breakfast."

Random. I usually eat oatmeal, but to each their own.

P.S. For you Mizzou fans out there.....Southlake is the hometown of QB1 Chase Daniels. If I have time, I might go and stalk his house. Maybe his high school, and look for pictures of him in the halls. Good Times.

Thanks for the info on CD and the suggestions Foof!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Two Things that Disturbed me Today

#1. I am in Mexico in what one would consider to be an upscale vacation resort. Its not my favorite one in Cancun (although that's not saying much, because I am not really in Cancun's fan Club) but its fairly nice. I'm sure non elitist and non snobby travelers unlike myself would probably say it was fabulous.

The disturbing part: I just had a conversation with our hotel convention manager and we were making small talk about working in a hotel in Mexico. I was intrigued that he told me that a working week for salaried employees here is 6 days a week and 11 hours a day. And that is what they are scheduled....a lot of times they end up working more. What I find so interesting is that this is a college educated man, with impeccable English, and this is a pretty good job to have in Mexico. It really is a completely different world down here.

#2 I just read an article about Georgia and their Russian conflict (I guess that is what I will call it). I'm not going to get on a soapbox about what Russia did...but I am going to make a comment about the media on this one. The article I read on referred to Russia as the "the ex-communist nation". Seriously? Do we have to go there?

Russia has not been communist for almost 20 years. It took us long enough to stop calling them the "Former Soviet Union". I may not agree with what is happening, but slipping incendiary labels in news articles is not cool in my book. This writer was from the Associated Press, and has written for such papers as the Chicago Tribune, and New York Times. He should know better. This is CNN, not some pseudo editorial on some blog somewhere.

Just because there are people out there who don't like the Russians, is no reason to play on stereotypes. What if we put those kind of labels on other news stories?

Ex-adulterer John McCain and his ex-prescription drug abusing wife.....

Ex-uppity black church member Barack Obama.....

Ex-slave owning Country of the United States....or even ex-British Colony, the United States

Ex-drunk driver President George Bush....

Ex-knocked up teenager Oprah Winfrey....

I'd like to see a news article from a ligitimate news site or newspaper that uses any of those!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Quickie on John Edwards Part 2

O.K. I am over this topic, but I have to point out 2 more things. And that's it, I promise.

1. The Quote

I think (he) has shown a remarkable disrespect for his office, for the moral dimensions of leadership, for his friends, for his wife, for his precious daughter. It is breathtaking to me the level to which that disrespect has risen.

Do you know who said this?

Answer: It was in a speech Edwards made in 1999. He was talking about Bill Clinton and his Lewinsky affair.

GD Hypocrite.

2. The Hillary Factor

Team Hil will not just quietly go into the dark night (not I think that they should). I am so enjoying that even though the Democratic people have spoken, and very clearly chose Obama to be our candidate, because of this Edwards scandal, it's still not over. We have to be subjected to all the Hillary supporters rappin' on about how if this Edwards thing has been announced and publicized in the media earlier in the campaign when it was first suspected....John Edwards would have probably been forced to drop out of the election. That meant that a lot of the support he got would have probably gone to Senator Clinton.

Do we really have to go there? Not only are there a lot of "ifs" in this theory, but this thinking is dangerously close to the pot calling the kettle black.

Example: If Bill Clinton had admitted to his sex addiction and numerous affairs (you know that Gennifer and Monica were not the firsts) during his presidential campaigns, he never would have been president at all and Hillary would still be obstructing Whitewater investigations, and either still hiding records, or recalling her jail time experiences with the McDougals.

People in glass houses........

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Am I a Bad Person......

If I thought this photo was actually a little funny?,100152

O.K. It was a pretty stupid thing for the Spanish basketball team to do. And I got that it could be thought of as very offensive, but come on. It's a stupid ad picture for a courier company in Spain. Get over it.

This totally brings back memories of that (I know....very offensive) song we would sing, and have little hand actions for, as children.

"Chinese. Japanese. Dirty knees. Look at these!" Who remembers that?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Just a Quickie...Like what John Edwards would have with his video director

John Edwards is a toolbox. There I said it.

You know what pisses me off the most about him.....the fact that he was part of the democratic Bill Clinton bashing. Family values, helping the poor, honesty in politics...those were his things. He has lost all credibility now. Say what you will about Clinton, he never got on any kind of high horse and preached morality like this Edwards butthole.

Plus, I have a real issue with that ridiculous apology statement, and his TV appearance. Could he have scheduled that at a time when less people were watching? John Poophead Edwards went on Nightline, on a Friday night, at the same time as the Olympic Opening Ceremonies. Seriously? Was there not a timeslot on Telemundo at 4am available?

And let's just talk about what he said. He even had the nerve to point out that other politicians have had affairs, including John McCain with his first wife. Can we get any less classy? Being a former presidential candidate himself, and in an attempt to justify his situation, he brings up a current presidential candidate's indiscretions. Jerkface.

My last rant on this issue has to do with the non reporting of the situation (except by the National Inquirer) and the backlash towards Democrats that will be sure to come out of this.

Since Edwards and his people were able to cover up this story for so long, and since although they are now saying that a lot of newspapers and other media knew about it, but choose not to report it; we are just going to open up a whole new can of worms about Liberal biases in the media. The Republicans will be able to refer to this for years to come. I'm sure Red Staters are just eating this up. Just waiting for the next Time cover with Obama on the front, so they can go on about the liberal media slant some more. Good times ahead!

O.K. I'm done with this topic, except for one thing. I want the DNA test on the bastard child of that skank Edwards was banging in the Red Roof Inn. I'll give 3/1 odds that its his. Yeah, keep denying Mr former Senator (and that's the only title he will ever have)......

Thursday, August 7, 2008

What do Judd Apatow and John Hughes have in Common?

...They both have an innate ability to take a simple, common stereotype to a new, unbelievably funny level.

John Hughes did it with high schoolers. The jock. The pretty popular girl. The outsider. The nerd. The rebel. And I know you read this list and assumed I was channeling The Breakfast Club, but, think about it for a minute, he had these characters in all of his movies. He also loved socioeconomic commentaries in his films. The rich kids who lived on the lake and had fancy cars. The poor kids from the wrong side of the tracks.

And tonight, I saw Judd Apatow's favorite stereotype characters. They are in their mid twenties, usually right out of college, and unemployed or in entry level jobs. They aren't afraid to say every single thing that jumps into their heads to their friends. They speak in this hilarious fast talking mix of dated and current pop - cultural references, and display the most ingenious and creative use of dirty words ever. Oh, and they love the pot.

Yes movie fans....I just saw Pineapple Express. And wow. I can't decide if I thought it was the funniest movie of the year, or one of the worst I have ever seen. It was this hodgepodge of marijuana, guns, freaky characters, weird cars, and blood.

Imagine if Quentin Tarentino had remade the movie Swingers into an action flick, and included all the male characters from Dazed and Confused. It would be a gross, violent, random movie with many hilarious quotable lines thrown in with a lot of endearing soul searchingeque man to man convos. And, everyone in the movie would dress like it was 1975, and be high all the time. Thats about how I would describe that awesomely strange experience that was Pineapple Express.

I can't decide if I recommend it or not. I definitely was entertained, but I feel that it was just too bizarre to merit a full on "Thumbs up". So, I guess...if you like Apatow, and you "get" (if you will) his blunt, introspective, and often perverse sense of humor, then go see it.

Call me after though. I will be curious what you thought.......

(sidenote: I want to point out that Judd Apatow produced this movie, but did not write or direct. It was written by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg. I was intrigued that the offical website did mention that the idea for the film came from Apatow.)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Warm Fuzzy

Here's a feel good video for the day. Enjoy.

Makes me what to to give my dog a big hug!

Just want to point out....I have been to Africa and stood about 10 feet away from a pride of lions. I don't care whether those boys knew that cat or not....there is no way I would have waited while one approached me. They are beautiful, but terrifying close up. Especially after watching a lioness devour a zebra down to the bones in about 20 minutes. One of the coolest things these eyes have seen though. Everyone should go on an African Safari once in their life. It'll ruin zoos for you!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Gimme a V! Gimme an OTE! What's that Spell?

This is just a quickie blog to tell all the peeps out there who have a primary Senator, Representative, Governor; or local offices election on Tuesday.....GO AND VOTE.

You may not think that primaries are important, but they are. Just ask Hilary Clinton.

I don't care what you stand for, be it Blue side, Red side, the Libs, the Commies, whatever...just vote. And don't tell me that you don't know anything about whose running in the primaries. Whose fault is that? Educate yourself. You have 3 days to learn all you can about your local candidates. Might as well find a computer and get to it. It's 30 minutes out of your life; tops. What else are you going to do this weekend? Its really hot, and annoying outside. those of you (like me) who will be out of town for the election, go get an absentee ballot. You have until Monday. I hope your polling place is better than the one I went to ran out of "I VOTED" stickers. And I was laughed at when I was clearly disappointed by that fact. Judgmental government workers!

So, just vote. Just do it. It's easy and painless.

Plus if there are any propositions or the like on the ballot, remember this simple rule......Always vote "yes" to schools; sewers; roads; and Firemen! They are the things we can't live without.