Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I'm having an "I Love My Job" moment

Sometimes I have these. Other times, I have "I Hate My Job" moments.

Here's why I love my job in this moment......

I am at the Four Seasons Resort on the Island of Nevis. Its 85 and sunny. The place is unbelievably gorgeous. When you lay out at the pool, they come by and bring you cool towels and spray you with Evian mist.

A few minutes ago, I was sitting at our hospitality desk...which is in a room where there are these French doors that open unto a beautiful foliage filled patio and walkway. From the room, with the doors open, we can see the beach, and hear birds (speaking of birds....after this story, I am going to tell you another).

So, back to the loving my job story.... I was saying to my coworker just in passing, that I was craving a bowl of cereal. (just a plain bowl of cereal is hard to come by at these fancy resorts sometimes. Fancy granola....some sort of breakfast parfait.....no problem. A plain old bowl of Cheerios, usually can't get it. Its like asking for Jello.) Anywoo......apparently someone who works at the hotel overheard me saying this, because just now, a banquet guy walked into our room with a tray of milk and choice of individual cereals.

How awesome is that!

O.K. the bird story.....

There is this potted tree in our hospitality room that is there just as decor. I noticed the other day that this cute little bird was flying around. It didn't bother me or anything, but I did notice that it kept coming back. Finally, I saw that it was very interested in this particular tree. On a closer look, I noticed a half built nest.

I asked our contact at the hotel if she knew that there was a nest, and she said that this little bird has been trying to build this nest for a few weeks now, but the hotel has been moving the tree all over the place because of different functions and stuff. She told me that it always takes the bird a day or so to locate where the tree was moved, and then she starts back on the nest building.

Well, she found the tree yesterday, and now we have been obsessed with watching her fly into our hospitality room and feather her nest. Its really cute. I hope I am still here when she finishes. Maybe she will lay some eggs.

So I do love my job sometimes...well most of the time. Stay tuned to one of these days when I hate my job.....that always makes for a great read!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My Travel Habits....The Strange Ones.

People who travel a lot are quirky. There is just no way around that.

I am no exception. The idea for this blog entry came to me when I was getting dressed this morning (very quickly I might add, since I woke up 15 minutes before my transfer for the airport was supposed to leave).

I have a lot of little rituals and rules when I travel, and even though in my head, they are important and necessary to staying sane while traveling….they might seem a little strange to the outside world.

So here you go…..Viv’s list of her quirky travel habits.

1. I have this theory that any germs that could possibly be in a hotel room that would be very dangerous, die in 24 hours. I know this is scientifically inaccurate, but for some reason, I believe it. Therefore, for the first complete day that I am in a hotel room, I do not walk on the floor without shoes. Meaning, I wear my socks all the time, and shower shoes in the shower. After one day, I don’t do this anymore. Weird, I know.

2. On the subject of hotel room germs….I always sleep in socks. I don’t have a problem with hotel sheets or anything, I t has to do with the fact that I am so tall, and my fear of my bare feet touching the mattress if the sheets ride up. Since hotels do not use fitted sheets, the sheets ride up a lot. Irrational fear of the hotel mattress. Ever since I saw that bed bug thing on Dateline.

3. One of the first things I do when I get to the hotel room, is check out the pay per view Adult video titles. They are always hilarious!!!!! Don’t worry, I don’t rent the porn or anything (not that there’s anything wrong with that) I just always think the titles are hilarious. Especially if they play off real titles of movies or TV. The three best titles I have ever seen were
1. “Good Will Coming”
2. “9021 OH” – with the OH said very sexually.
3. “ The Ospornes


4. I can tell you whether or not every piece of jewelry I own will set off a metal detector or not. And I always think about metal detectors when I am shopping for, or buying, jewelry. Belts too for that matter.

5. I keep my makeup in a ziplock bag all the time, not just when I am flying. Which is a shame,because I have about a million cute little makeup bags. Some of which were designer or very expensive. I think just about every TD girl does this. We were laughing on a program last month where 6 TDs (all female) went out to dinner, and I asked if any of them had any hand lotion. Every one of them pulled a ziplock bag of makeup out of their purses. We all got a little chuckle out of that. I also keep a box of ziplock bags in my carryon.

6. I am ridiculously anal about the “Stand Right, Walk Left” rule on airport moving walkways. I get so annoyed at people who don’t understand this concept. It’s really not that difficult. I have actually been known to yell “Stand Right, walk left” at people who are standing left. Yeah. I’m that girl. Also, I may or may not have, on occasion, completely mauled right over the carryons of people who were standing right, but decided to have their carryons on the left. WTF. I mean, I say “excuse me” once. If there is no reaction, I just force on through. I don’t even feel guilty about it.

So, I just decided that this is all I am going to write about this. I reread what I have so far, and……I sound a little psycho. True story.