Sunday, June 29, 2008

I Can't Believe (pun intended) I'm Going to do This....

So...I will start by saying that yes: it is true that I have a lot of opinions, and I like to share them on this blog. And, yes: I will admit I do have an aversion to religious zealots, and in the both the conflicts between religion and state, and between religion and science...let's just say that I am not rooting for religion.

That said.....I will also point out that I try to live my life by the quote: "I will not condemn what I do not understand."

Well, in my search for knowledge of something I just don't get, because of my overwhelming curiosity, and since I recently found out that it is only 20 minutes away from where I am (Cincinnati, OH), I am going to visit the new, 25 million dollar Creation Museum.

Here's the link

Yes readers (if there is anyone actually reading this blog).....someone who believes that creationism and "Intelligent Design" (this is the new PC term that fundamental Christians give the creation theory so that it sounds more scientific) is a biblical fable, and not in anyway an actual account of the beginnings of life, and who owns a "Flying Spaghetti Monster" t-shirt, (Google that if you are bored.....hilar.) will be paying $21.95 to see the other side's argument on the subject. I hope they give me a travel agent discount.

So to end this entry, I will state that I am going to try and have an open mind, but I also must say good luck to the Creation have a big job to try to convince me.

Oh, and there's petting zoo as part of museum also! Fun!

Stay tuned for an account of my adventure..........

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Interesting Bit of Constitutional Debate..... this article. It's about how an Anti-gay, religious organization wanted to be able to attend, and hand out fliers at this weekend's Pride (for those who don't know...Pride is the term for the activities that once a year in different cities celebrates the lesbian, gay, bi, and transgender community) Parade and Festival in St. Louis.

I have to say that I agree with the city, and I am glad that they are letting the (in my opinion) ridiculous, overzealous, hateful religious group hand out their preachy and judgemental fliers. One of the main points of the Pride Parade is to celebrate the acceptance of different lifestyles and different opinions. Not letting "Apple of his Eye", or whatever their corny name is, express their opinion would invalidate the entire celebration. The first amendment applies to everyone. Period.

Plus, I hope the attendees involved in Pride have a sense of humor about this! I think lots of overly affectionate gay couples, transvestites, and the like should show their Pride by celebrating right in the faces of our self righteous friends at "Apple of his Eye"!

Evangelize that, suckers!!!!

After all, one of my favorite quotes is

"Freedom of speech means letting people talk, even when they are wrong."

I'm going to add a P.S. here.....

I find it interesting that "Apple of His Eye"'s members were formerly (or maybe still are, I don't know the specifics) Jewish. However, they believe in Jesus. No opinion here or anything...I am just intrigued by that.

Man, I have been really political lately. Next blog entry will be fluff......promise!

Friday, June 20, 2008

"Can I have a ride to Babies R Us? I'm not old enough to drive."

So I am in the middle of watching Andersen Cooper right now and his show about the so called "Pregnancy Pact" thing going on in that school in Massachusetts.

Are you kidding me???? Are kids really this dumb today? I know that I totally sound like a grumpy old woman right now, but give me a break. Getting pregnant on purpose? Maybe by a homeless man? So they can all have children together? And thinking it wouldn't be a big deal because their school has daycare? WOW.

O.K. This is a topic that I have a LOT of opinions on, so if you are easily offended, time to stop reading.

Here I go....

Anyone who knows me knows that I have been saying this for years..... It is NOT O.K. to choose to have a child out of wedlock, or on your own. I have always believed that. Parenting is a very important job. Probably the most important job out there, and anyone who purposely wants to do it by herself is nothing more than ignorant, vain, and self involved.

I do understand that accidents happen, and people get divorced. And people die when children are young or yet unborn and I am not judging anyone who ends up in a situation like that. In fact, they are troopers. But honestly, to me, the choice to have an unwanted child when you are planning on raising it by yourself is insane. It takes two people to raise a child...two men, two women, or a man and a women.....whatever, but I think it takes two people.

I know I sound very judgmental here, but maybe its time to judge. The news shows have been right on this issue. This country is celebrating the choice to raise children alone, and who gets hurt? The child. Look at all the celebrity single parents. They are treating their kids like an accessory. Every gossip magazine has "bump watch". Society has taken away the "stigma" of the knocked up single girl. So, of course it was going to trickle down to the stupid 16 year olds in this country.

Look at this Gloucester example. These box of rocks girls were excited to get pregnant so they can have a baby shower. Seriously? I wonder why.....could it be because all the crazy prolifers out there for years have been soooo overly excited about the fact that teenage girls, who probably couldn't keep a cactus alive, have decided against the big bad scary "other" option? I mean, a 16 year old can't be trusted to drive at night, vote or drink..but of course it totally makes sense for them to have a kid. I have a great idea.....let's throw them a big shower that's all about them; invite other 16 year old very impressionable friends, and give them fun cutesie gifts and eat some cake. Great plan! I remember when a couple of girls got knocked up in college, and the sorority wanted to have baby showers, or go in and get them gifts. Even then, I thought it was in poor taste.

(Sidebar: in case the tone of this email doesn't give this away...I am very prochoice. In fact, I scare a lot of prolifers. Of course, that goes both ways.)

I hope this situation opens some eyes (and some minds) out there. Impressionable teens are watching. Sex education in school is important. No holds barred sex education...not this "teaching abstinence" crap that some call sex education. Free, no strings attached, birth control in schools is necessary. We need to stop painting a rosy picture of single parenthood. We need to stop celebrating teen pregnancy, and most importantly...we need to keep abortion legal, easily available, and stop labelling it as a cope out or the easy option. There I said it.

I'm getting off my soapbox now.

P.S. I have to mention this though.....a bunch of the articles and news shows mentioned "Juno" when they were talking about Hollywood celebrating teen pregnancy. Seriously? Did those people actually see "Juno"? First, Juno did not get pregs on purpose, and she wasn't planning on keeping it. Second, I don't think they celebrated anything about pregnancy. Juno was miserable the whole time. She was sick, uncomforatable, embarrassed at school, judged by people, and that scene where she was giving birth looked like she was in some serious pain! Come on.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Quick Funny....

So, I'm in Bermuda on a program for a paper supply company (which for business reasons, will remain nameless). I have been jokingly referring to them as "Dunder Mifflin" all week. (Side note: that is the name of the fictional paper company on "The Office", one of my fav shows) Now, as there is no Pam or Jim on the program, I will point out that our hotel spa contact's name is Michael Scott. True story....weird, right?

O.K. Now the funny little part.......

Tonight was the final night dinner for the group. They had a very fancy 4 course meal planned, and I almost fell over laughing when I saw that the first course was a beet salad! Awesome!

If you don't think that is hilarious, then clearly you are not a fan of the show or Dwight Shrute, my #1 character, for that matter.

Jim + Pam = Love. Or at least I hope........

Unrelated sidebar: Sorry I have been a loser blogger lately. Working an average of 27 days a month the last few months will have that effect.

Promise to get better.......

Saturday, June 7, 2008

File under: It could only happen to me

So, I just almost got deported out of Bermuda. Details to follow.......